Graduation date calculator
Graduation date calculator

graduation date calculator

If the student has started his externshipĬourse (i.e., if the enrollment has one or more externship/internship course(s) The Total Hours for Externship is equivalent to the value in the new 'Total Not started his externship course (i.e., if the enrollment has noĮxternship/internship course with 'Current' or 'Scheduled' status), The student has scheduled/started his externship course. Recorded for the Student)/Expected Hours per Week for Externship, rounded With an externship is based on the Duration of the Remaining ExternshipĮxternship Weeks= (Total Hours for Externship - Hours Already TheĬalculation of the Graduation Date and Externship Start Date for students This step is performed only when an externship course is associated with the student's enrollment. That End Date is located, which is the 0531 term ( - ).ĭate of the Term in #1, which is the 0545 term ( - ).ĭate of the Term in #2, which is the 0550 term The student's Current Term, the Next Term following The End Date of the Remaining Terms as follows:īeginning with the End Date of the 0527 term, The campus is not using Term Relationships, CampusNexus Student calculates Term Relationships are used, only the Parent Terms will be considered. Of the Current Term's End Date as shown below. If Term Sequencing is not used, the terms are sorted such that the Start Dates fall after the End Date If Term Relationships are used, only the Parent Terms will be considered. Will be the Date to be used as the basis for further calculation. The End Date of the Term that is listed third following the current term Version with Term Sequencing, the list of future terms is alreadyīe planned out for the student. If the student is registered into a Program To be verified if Term Sequencing and/or Term Relationship are Terms above, calculations for the End Date of the Last Terms need Using the result of the calculation for remaining Terms = Remaining Classroom Credits/Expected Credits per Term, rounded up to the next whole number Example A FieldĬ) Credits common to both Program Version Credits and Total Creditsġ6 (4 Scheduled courses at 4 Credits Each) 'Scheduled' or 'Current' and course type is not externship. The business rules, therefore,Ĭount those credits for the course only once.įor Externship = Total Credits for Externship of the Program Version.Įarned = Total Credit Value of courses at a Status of CompleteĬurrently Taking = Total Credit Value of courses at a Status of The Total Credits for the Program Version and the RequiredĬredits for the AOS. Program Version, the credits for that course are reflected in Of Study (AOS) requirement and a Core course requirement for the Credits Earned - Credits Currently TakingĬounted only once. Terms = Remaining Classroom Credits/Expected Credits per Term, roundedĬlassroom Credits = (Total Credits for Program Version + TotalĬredits from Associated Areas of Study) - Total Credits for Externship TheĬalculation is the same for students with or without externships. The last term of classroom time for each student. Is calculated by using the remaining terms to map out the end date of The duration of the remaining classroom time This tool is meant for small batch corrections and not handling the day to day processing of an institution's population. CampusNexus Student calls the stored procedures listed above as needed for students gathered in a the adjustment batch. Institutions can manually update graduation and externship dates by using the Student Pace Evaluation tool under Tools > Financial Aid > Student Pace Evaluation or Tools > Academic Records > Student Pace Evaluation. Sproc_student_AcademicRecords_StudentPace_NightlyJob The job also contains logic that uses the milestone dates for non term students to adjust the Grad date, Extern Date, Academic Years, Loan Periods, Payment Periods and disbursements by calling the following stored procedure: Sproc_Student_Academics_GradDateExternShipDate_Update The job contains logic that gathers Term students to adjust the Grad date, Extern Date by calling the following stored procedure:

graduation date calculator

Sproc_student_AcademicRecords_StudentPace_Evaluator_Dates The service broker contains logic for non-term configurations that calculates milestone dates for each payment period in a ‘Near Real Time Calculation’ by calling the following stored procedure for students in non-term programs:

graduation date calculator

Institutions would only need the SQL job if they use only term-based program configurations. Institutions must configure a service broker and a SQL job if they want to bypass the CampusNexus Student UI to calculate changes to dates for non-term based students. Use the Student Pace Evaluation tool to update graduation and externship dates, or run SQL jobs to do these processes without using the CampusNexus Student user interface (UI). Graduation and Externship Date Calculations

Graduation date calculator