Most owners are there to show off their prized possessions. The police are there to keep control, issue traffic violations, and ensure that the local noise ordinances are respected especially due to the early morning hours. Many people want to show off the engines, do burnouts in the parking lot or leaving, or try and show off their vehicles speed when they exit. They are not being paid by the event, they are on duty cops assigned to be there due to the large crowds and traffic. Is there Security at Cars and Coffee Events Near Me?Īt my local cars and coffee there are typically two police cars that park near the entrances. It’s common that they use these donation or entrance fees to cover accidental property damage, marketing, and paid security. At free events they typically ask for a donation of any amount you would like to give. The paid events are often just a few dollars. I have been to these events in various states and have seen both free and paid events. Are Cars and Coffee Events Free to Walk Around? Some events will “try” and park like makes and models in sections, but it doesn’t always work out that way. It is literally a meet up of car enthusiasts getting together early in the morning to just hang out and talk cars. In my experience cars and coffee events do not require any registration, paperwork or fees to show off your vehicle. The best spots with the most foot traffic fill up quickly. If you have a vehicle all you need to do for most events is get their earlier enough and get a parking spot. The other local shops open at 9:30 AM and the event must be cleared out to not create an issue for the neighboring businesses. Once 9 AM hits people are expected to disperse. Depending on the weather my local event draws between 2 people walking around. There are typically between 100 and 200 vehicles. The local coffee shop sells coffee and breakfast. How Does the Cars and Coffee Near Me Work?Īt the Cars and Coffee near me, it runs every Saturday rain or shine from 6 AM to 9 AM in a parking lot.

There are no requiremnets to participate at these events. If you have a vehicle and you love it, you can show it off. Some people show of custom car stereos or even half completed restorations. There can be race cars, restorations, original classics, JDM, exotics, hot rods, and even pop culture cars like customized Batmobile. They types of vehicles you will find will vary. Some events run once a month, some once a week, and others randomly at different times of the year. These are often held at parking lots where a coffee shop is, but can actually occur anywhere. A cars and coffee event is a pop up or scheduled event typically earlier in the morning, where car enthusiasts bring their vehicles to show them off.